
Theologians of the Baptist Tradition is unavailable, but you can change that!

Theologians of the Baptist Tradition is an effort to preserve and discover the Baptists’ “underappreciated contribution to Christianity’s theological heritage.” Theologians Timothy George and David S. Dockery present a volume of essays to serve as a resource for pastors, students, and teachers and as an introduction to the life and thought of some of the most notable shapers of Baptist theology. ...

On March 22, 1720, Gill was formally installed as pastor of the Horsleydown church in a public service of ordination. Following a time of psalm-singing and prayer, the presiding minister, John Skepp of Cripplegate, posed the standard questions concerning Gill’s call by the church and his acceptance of this work. Gill’s friend, John Noble, then led the congregation to reaffirm its choice of Gill as pastor by solemnly lifting up their hands. Then turning to Gill, he said: “If you as in the presence
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